Tuesday, 29 September 2009

My tryst with Photography...

Disclaimer: This is a photography blog but this post has got nothing to do about photography. Jump directly to the second post if you are not interested in my history!...

"Hey, focus the subject with a half-click and then take the picture"..so i scream at friends who use my DSLR.."er..whats half-click" comes back the reply in a jiffy...Without much of a choice, i abandon the reframe command that i was about to scream next and switch from Aperture priority mode to auto and say "just see through the "eye piece" and press the damn button!!...."

If this talk is even slightly alien,congrats!!, you are at the right place and on track to capture your first "educated" photograph.

Something about me and cameras....

My inspiration for photography stemmed from the numerous(clearly an exaggeration) compliments on my "good photographic sense" that i received with my mom and dad's very first digital camera(Sony with 3x optical zoom and no image stabilisation). When i decided to get my own digital camera i decided to go for a high end zoom camera as i had a craze for "zoom more than 10x" cameras back then. The brand loyalty in me made me go for a Sony and the winner was a DSC-H7 camera with 15x optical zoom. Though i had a very good experience with that i soon got tired of the zoom factor. In all fairness i'd've produced a decent shot at full zoom probly twice or thrice during the entire year i had the camera with me. Soon i decided to upgrade and after weeks of research it was a Nikon D80 DSLR(Digital SLR) that won my heart for practical cum sensible reasons!..Don't ask what happened to the fancy "brand loyalty" here!...I now use my D80 with a 18-105mm lens and a 50mm prime lens and eagerly waiting(saving would be more appropriate) to get some good lenses :-)

This is probably my 6th or 7th attempt at writing. Never mind what happened the previous times! This effort is to blog about basic photography stuff ,photographic terminologies and share some tips and tricks that i use. The inspiration , or to be more precise the nagging force behind this effort is my favorite model and good friend Sneha Mittal..:-)

Now that i have rambled on enough about me, lets shift the focus to clicking.....
And tabilder is from the Swedish terms 'ta bilder' which means 'take pictures'. Couldn't rake up any English name of interest, and hence this seemingly interesting name(pls don't dis illusion me here!)
Note : This is no way for advanced amateurs or professionals!...